Referring to a toilet seat, the term DEDICATED indicates a product perfectly consistent with the technical specifications of the ORIGINAL, that is the product made by the head company which produces the toilet bowl.
For many reasons, not least the shutdown of the company producing the toilet, other manufacturers have designed toilet seats which are perfectly suitable and, not infrequently, with higher technological features.
One example of this is the YDRA model, produced by POZZI GINORI. This model, even if the head company is still producing it, is available also with DEDICATED examples. Besides the original made of thermosetting resin, there is the COATED toilet seat (that is made of wood coated with polyester) and the toilet seat made of Durolux (an excellent material, of better quality than the original, but much cheaper!)
Here there are two links, where you will be able to buy easily your favourite model! LINK 1 – LINK 2